Let’s Be Real – A Response

Dr Reza Pankhurst critiques the podcast with Dr. Yasir Qadhi, arguing that real change for the Muslim ummah cannot come from within the current world order, which serves Western interests. The establishment of an Islamic state (Khilafa) is deemed crucial for defending and uniting Muslims, contrasting YQ's view of it as a low-priority, idealistic goal.

The Duty of Islamic Governments in the face of the Zionist invasion of Gaza:

Jihad and support in Palestine is a religious duty and an Islamic and humanitarian responsibility. Silence in the face of aggression, and the closest regimes and armies not moving to repel it, is religiously prohibited. Abandoning Gaza, Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, and Palestine to extermination and destruction is a betrayal of God, His Messenger, and the believers. It is among the greatest sins and offenses in the eyes of Allah.