The Duty of Islamic Governments in the face of the Zionist invasion of Gaza:

Jihad and support in Palestine is a religious duty and an Islamic and humanitarian responsibility. Silence in the face of aggression, and the closest regimes and armies not moving to repel it, is religiously prohibited. Abandoning Gaza, Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, and Palestine to extermination and destruction is a betrayal of God, His Messenger, and the believers. It is among the greatest sins and offenses in the eyes of Allah.

The Weighty Burden of Responsibility

Hadith 13 You are eager for leadership and it is truly a regret and a sorrow on the Day of Judgement, what a good wet nurse and what an evil weanerإِنَّكُمْ سَتَحْرِصُونَ عَلَى الإِمَارَةِ وَإِنَّهَا سَتَكُونُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ حَسْرَةً وَنَدَامَةً فَنِعْمَتِ الْمُرْضِعَةُ وَبِئْسَتِ الْفَاطِمَةُ(Bukhari) Hadith 14 O Abu Dharr, you are weak, and it is … Continue reading The Weighty Burden of Responsibility

Islamic Rule – Islam defines the rule, not the technicalities

Explaining the difference between hukm (a rule) and usloob (a style) Hadith 9 Musa bin Talha reported from his father: I and Allah's Messengerhappened to pass by people near the date-palm trees. He (the Holy Prophet) said: What are these people doing? They said: They are grafting (they combine the male with the female (tree) … Continue reading Islamic Rule – Islam defines the rule, not the technicalities

Islamic Rule – The Islamic Aqeedah is the basis for the State and its expansion

Hadith 6 It has been narrated on the authority of Junida bin Abu Umayya who said: We called upon 'Ubada bin as-Samit who was ill and said to him: May God give you health - narrate to us a tradition which God may prove beneficial (to us) and which you have heard from the Messenger … Continue reading Islamic Rule – The Islamic Aqeedah is the basis for the State and its expansion

Islamic Rule – Obligation of a single ruler

Hadith 5 إِذَا بُويِعَ لِخَلِيفَتَيْنِ فَاقْتُلُوا الآخِرَ مِنْهُمَاIf the pledge of allegiance is given to 2 rulers (Khalifatain), kill the latter of them(Muslim) Commentary a. Additional proof used by the consensus that it is not permitted for the Muslims to have more than one Khalifah at any given time, as explained by Imam Nawawi as … Continue reading Islamic Rule – Obligation of a single ruler