Caliphate Contentions (1): There was no consensus among the companions that appointing a Caliph is obligatory upon the Muslims.

[TL:DR] 1. There is a clear consensus of companions upon the necessity to appoint an Imam2. Their consensus also shows that they considered appointing the Khalifa to be an utmost priority, which was prioritised over both the burial of the Prophet – peace be upon him – and the sanctity of life.3. The companions differed … Continue reading Caliphate Contentions (1): There was no consensus among the companions that appointing a Caliph is obligatory upon the Muslims.

Betrayal of the Inheritance – Contemporary Muslim Scholars and the Jurisprudence of Capitulation

Numerous well known scholars have become interlocutors for the current regimes across the Middle East and Muslim countries, forsaking leadership of the oppressed in the name of a wisdom they claim monopoly over, promoting a perversion of normative Islamic thought under the guise of a traditional Islam that they have ceased to represent, if they ever did.