The ongoing oppression of Muslims worldwide, particularly in Gaza, requires urgent action beyond temporary solutions. True liberation necessitates rejecting nationalism for a unified Islamic polity.
Reexamining the Caliphate: Authority and Political Theory
The essay by Reza Pankhurst explores the decline of the caliphate up until its formal abolition in 1924, highlighting its transformation from a powerful institution to a mere symbolic figurehead. The caliphate originally served as a centralized political authority in Islam but became hereditary over time. Pankhurst discusses the historical and theoretical frameworks surrounding the caliphate, including differing views on its selection, authority, and legitimacy. The analysis reveals the complex evolution of Islamic political theory regarding governance, reflecting waning popular involvement in leadership selection and advocating for a potentially reformed model grounded in the original principles of shared authority among Muslims.
Let’s Be Real – A Response
Dr Reza Pankhurst critiques the podcast with Dr. Yasir Qadhi, arguing that real change for the Muslim ummah cannot come from within the current world order, which serves Western interests. The establishment of an Islamic state (Khilafa) is deemed crucial for defending and uniting Muslims, contrasting YQ's view of it as a low-priority, idealistic goal.
Accounting the Caliph – From Rebellion to Quietism
Rebellion and Islam - when the appointment of the Islamic rulers became akin to a hereditary process, was rebellion the natural outcome? And did restricting rebellion restrict the choice of the umma?
The Imam is a Shield
Hadith 34 Only the Imam is a shield, behind whom you fight and you protect yourself with, so if he orders by taqwa and is just then he has reward for that, and if he orders by other than that then it is against himself (Muslim) Commentary A: Imam Nawawi explained the shield as being … Continue reading The Imam is a Shield
Implications of Selling Oil for Gold (3/3)
After asking ChatGPT 4.0 the possible scenarios if a major oil producing country - Saudi Arabia - adopted the gold standard for its currency and sold oil for gold internationally. To complete the scenarios - we asked ChatGPT what would be the potential international reactions to such moves: The reaction of the United States and … Continue reading Implications of Selling Oil for Gold (3/3)
Implications of Selling Oil for Gold (2/3)
Following on from our previous question to ChatGPT 4.0 - where we asked what could occur if a major oil producer such as Saudi Arabia mandated gold to be used to purchase oil rather than the dollar. Building on that scenario - we then asked what could occur if Saudi Arabic also replaced its current … Continue reading Implications of Selling Oil for Gold (2/3)
Implications of Selling Oil for Gold (1/3)
Shifting oil sales from the Petrodollar to gold would drastically alter global financial dynamics. Nations would accumulate gold instead of US dollars, possibly devaluing the dollar and boosting gold demand and price volatility. This could challenge US economic hegemony and introduce global economic uncertainty. There might be a push towards a new gold-based trade standard, affecting trade balances, monetary policies, and potentially leading to more stable but expensive oil prices. International trade agreements would likely need renegotiation to adapt to these changes.
Statement from British Muslim Scholars on Gaza
We address also the wider Muslim leadership across the world and join the multitudes of honourable and upright scholars from across the Muslim world in emphasising that it is an obligation on Muslim governments to deploy their militaries to intervene in this conflict to restore peace and ensure a just outcome for the Palestinian people.
لا تبك من أجل غزة –بل ابك على نفسك
تقديم الصدقات والعمل لزيادة الوعي على الجرائم الصهيونية - هذه كلها أفعال يجب أن نقوم بها في هذا الوقت للمساعدة في التخفيف الفوري للأزمة بأي وسيلة فعالة. ولكن هذه كلها ليست كافية